Our Commitment
We have committed ourselves to operate from a position of uncompromising integrity. This means you are going to get straight answers and if we cannot help, we will tell you. It means we will own our problems. If we make a mistake, we own the mistake. If we say it, you can count on it.
This principle guides the conduct of our business and serves as the cornerstone for all our relationships.

Joseph McElmeel, Chairman & CEO
Our Committment
We have committed ourselves to operate from a position of uncompromising integrity. This means you are going to get straight answers and if we cannot help, we will tell you. It means we will own our problems. If we make a mistake, we own the mistake. If we say it, you can count on it.
This principle guides the conduct of our business and serves as the cornerstone for all our relationships.

Joseph McElmeel, Chairman & CEO