Brooke Chase

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Experts Predict Housing Recovery in Late 2024 through 2025

Real Estate Market Recovery Graphic
Real Estate Market Recovery | Getty Images

Population increases, job growth, and cooling inflation deliver good news for construction-related wholesalers, manufacturers and tradespeople serving the housing industry.

By Kerry Stackpole – The Wholesaler

Economic and real estate experts have forecasted a housing recovery in late 2024 through 2025, delivering good news to plumbing manufacturers, distributors and construction-related trades that serve the housing industry. Population and job growth, shifting demographics and cooling inflation in the United States are set to fuel higher home sales. At the same time, some challenges remain for the commercial and multifamily real estate markets.

Job growth — which has been positive so far this year — will drive long-term real estate demand. A strong job market typically means better worker pay, which translates to higher housing demand. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) shared an encouraging update in March: employers added 303,000 jobs, reaching above the average monthly gain of 231,000 over the last 12 months.

BLS also notes that total payroll jobs have increased by 5 million compared to pre-COVID-19 highs. Many workers who accepted new jobs this year plan on making major lifestyle changes that involve buying a new house or car, reported a ZipRecruiter survey.

With inflation expected to cool, lower mortgage interest rates over the coming months will help boost existing home sales. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) expects existing home sales to increase because 30-year mortgage rates have likely peaked, and the Fannie Mae Home Purchase Sentiment Index is improving.

The index is above 70 percent after hitting bottom at about 57 percent in 2022, reports NAR chief economist Lawrence Yun, Ph.D. In March, he presented an optimistic real estate outlook at the Plumbing Manufacturers International (PMI) Washington Legislative Forum and Fly-In. In its April housing market forecast, Fannie Mae projected that mortgage rates will drop to 6.4 percent by the end of this year and continue falling through 2025.

Experts believe that flattening rent prices will help reduce the Consumer Price Index (CPI); this price increase relief could allow the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates. Yun noted the CPI dropped to 3.1 percent in January, down from its 2022 peak of about 9 percent.

Strong Housing Starts Invigorate Building-Related Product Sales 

After the housing market experienced a recessionary phase that started earlier than the rest of the economy, existing and new home sales are poised to make headway. Permits for single-family housing starts are up across the country, with some states seeing accelerated growth. NAR expects housing starts to increase by 1.2 percent to 1.43 million in 2024, and by 4.9 percent to 1.5 million in 2025.

New home building will be particularly robust in Texas, Florida and Indiana, where single-family housing unit permits are up 44 percent, 27 percent and nearly 50 percent, respectively, ITR Economics’ Connor Lokar told PMI members during PMI’s April Market Outlook LIVE presentation. This improving housing trend will translate to higher wholesale volume and invigorated customer orders for plumbing fixtures, fittings and other construction-related items, he says.

Ultimately, NAR estimates that existing home sales will grow 9 percent to 4.46 million in 2024, and an additional 13.2 percent to 5.05 million in 2025.

The need for more housing has local governments getting creative by reconsidering lot size requirements, zoning laws and other policies. For example, the Washington Post reports that Sheboygan, Wis., is partnering with local employers, including PMI member Kohler Co., to build 600 entry-level homes — priced around $230,000 to $250,000 — to attract more front-line manufacturing workers. The county will also provide downpayment assistance to buyers.

Other cities — such as Portland, Ore.; Austin, Texas; and St. Paul, Minn. — have changed zoning laws that allow building up to four homes on one lot.

Growing Population, Life Changes to Sustain Home Sales

More people in the country and changing life events, such as retirement and job switches, are causing positive shifts in the housing market.

U.S. population growth is on the upswing, contributing to pent-up home-selling demand. In the U.S. Census Bureau’s January estimates, the nation’s population grew by 1.6 million to a total population of 334.9 million — reaching its highest level since the pandemic.

Yun cited life changes occurring over the next two years that will boost total home sales to pre-COVID levels: 7 million births, 3 million marriages, 1.5 million divorces, 7 million Americans turning age 65, 4 million deaths, 5 million new jobs created and 50 million job switches.

Generational buying habits are changing, too. Millennials have surpassed baby boomers to become the largest group of homebuyers at 38 percent, and Gen X buyers are the most likely to purchase a multigenerational home at 19 percent, according to the NAR 2024 Home Buyers and Sellers Generational Trends report. Baby boomers remain the largest generation of home sellers at 45 percent.

Millennials are selling because their houses are too small or their family situation has changed, while baby boomers and the Silent Generation members (born between 1928 and 1945) are selling to move closer to family and friends or because their homes are too big.

Challenges Still Ahead

Some challenges and concerns remain. Outlooks in the commercial, multifamily and remodeling sectors will not be quite as favorable, especially as the overall economy begins to soften later this year.

Sitting at about 3.5 percent on April 18, the U.S. inflation rate is unlikely to come down to the below 2 percent levels seen before the COVID-19 pandemic, Lokar explains, because of factors ingrained into the economy, such as government spending and the cost of labor. Commercial and nonresidential markets will lag, and multifamily housing demand will drop off in the short term.

Lokar notes a positive result from slow economic growth at the end of 2023 and early 2024: less supply chain pressure. While supply chain recovery is creating excess inventory issues, building material and plumbing product retail sales should begin to progress in late 2024 with improved housing fundamentals.

After a tense period of tight housing inventory with higher home prices and mortgage interest rates, it’s heartening to see rising housing starts and strong job growth. While our economy may face a few obstacles, we can use the forecasting information real estate and financial experts provide to pivot and innovate — as our industry has admirably done for decades.

By |2024-07-16T11:58:09-04:00July 16th, 2024|Categories: Articles|

Delays Expected for Several Weeks Following Particleboard Plant Explosion

By Warren Shoullberg, IWF News

An explosion at Tafisa’s Quebec plant, the largest particleboard factory in North America, knocked out some production the company says.

It will be “several more weeks” before Tafisa’s giant particleboard manufacturing facility in Lac-Magantic, Quebec in Canada is expected to get back up to full production, the company said.

The explosion, on June 14, affected one of the plant’s two production lines, it said, adding the cause was still unknown. There were no injuries and parts of the plant resumed normal activities within a few days.

“We are contacting each client one by one to provide the information regarding their order file,” Tafisa vice president of sales and marketing Pierre-Luc Bérubé said in an interview. He said the damage was isolated to particleboard line #2 and that particleboard line #1 was not affected.

The company said its new thermally fused laminate line #6, started up in January, was not impacted and that it resumed production two days after the explosion. Production of the company’s lacquered panels is done in a new plant built next to the particleboard plant, so there was no impact on production, according to a published report.

At 760,000 square feet, Tafisa said the facility is the largest particleboard manufacturing facility in North America, serving both Canada and the U.S. with more than 700 truckloads of wood fiber converted each week into 300 truckloads of particleboard and decorative panels.

By |2024-07-11T08:58:23-04:00July 11th, 2024|Categories: Articles|

Regional Sales Manager – Northeast

This is an opportunity for an individual to operate with the freedom and passion of an entrepreneur and lead a fast-growing US region to carry out the company’s vision of northeastern sales growth.  Build the Sales Team talent, champion culture, and win financially.

Assignment: 4333
Title: Regional Sales Manager – Northeast
Industry: Cabinetry Industry
Reports To: VP of Sales & Marketing
Location: Northeast US – PA, NJ, NY, CT, MA, RI, VT, NH, ME

Our Client:

Founded in 1992 our client has grown from a local cabinetry company to a leading national corporation with 5 key distribution locations throughout the country.  A leading pioneer in the K&B industry for over 30 years, constantly updating and expanding selections, featuring new, innovative products and styles. This constant product renewal ensures that the market remains stimulated and enticing, thereby increasing potential success.  The company maintains a highly efficient National Sales Team that is committed to fostering the success of its sales reps, assisting with all needs, and thereby guaranteeing a successful and thriving professional future.

Principal Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Develop dealer business and grow sales in a region for the company in conjunction with the warehouse / assembly / distribution operation in the Northeast
  • Direct sales development responsibility for your own working territory
  • Hire and manage independent reps in other territories throughout the region
  • Open up new K&B dealers
  • Increase Sales
  • Develop a plan for the region
  • Participate in Sales Management Meetings

Position Requirements:

  • Hard worker and business entrepreneur minded
  • 7+ years sales and sales leadership in building products
  • Bachelor’s degree in business or related field or equivalent experience.  MBA preferred
  • Track record of business development and sales growth in the dealer channel
  • Strategic thinker with practical hands-on implementation skills
  • Successfully managing independent reps
  • Excellent communication skills – all levels and every format
  • Excellent time management skills
  • Able to manage Sales Team
  • Good problem solver

Ben Durshimer
Research Recruiter

By |2024-07-11T08:43:43-04:00July 9th, 2024|Categories: Current Searches|

Subject: “I know what is expected of me at work.”

Roles & Responsibilities Graphic

This is an in-depth guide on Gallup’s first element of employee engagement:

This first element is a basic need for employees: “I know what is expected of me at work.”

The above statement seems straightforward and one that most people should be able to agree with confidently. But you might be surprised how many employees are fuzzy on exactly what their role is, often through no fault of their own.

Ensuring employees know what is expected of them goes beyond a basic job description or daily to-do list. Meeting this element of employee engagement requires clear and ongoing communication across the board.

This first element is a basic need for employees.

If an employee cannot agree with this statement, it is impossible for them to succeed in their role.

Learn more about the importance of this engagement element and how to ensure your employees know your expectations.

The Importance of Communicating Expectations

The importance of clearly communicating expectations may seem obvious, but many companies and managers neglect to do it anyway.

Even if you already know that communicating expectations is important, you might not realize just how important and far-reaching.

Day to Day Responsibilities

First, and likely the most obvious reason element #1 is important, employees need to know what they’re supposed to do daily. While some leaders may assume that certain responsibilities are implicit, everything must be explicitly stated.

When daily duties are unclear, things slip through the cracks. Employees turn a blind eye, assuming the task doesn’t fall under their duties. And when you ask an employee to do something they do not believe is part of their responsibilities, it creates tension and confusion. Employees may even point fingers at one another, making for an unpleasant work environment.

Ultimately, when you don’t properly communicate daily expectations, things don’t get done, and no company can function like that.

Role in the Organization

Workplace expectations aren’t just about tangible tasks. Workers also need to know where they stand with the company.

  • Am I a manager?
  • Do I oversee any other employees?
  • What is my title?
  • Who should I report to?

Any employee who agrees with engagement element #1 should be able to answer all these questions easily. They need to know their position in the company’s hierarchy to follow and give orders appropriately.

When expectations are not communicated, employees may unknowingly step outside their defined role. Clearly defining someone’s role within an organization not only helps them but also their coworkers.

For example, if you rely on one of your four accountants to manage the other three, that accountant needs a title that distinguishes them from the others. This prevents employee frustration and hostility.

By |2024-07-08T11:02:22-04:00July 8th, 2024|Categories: Articles|

Understanding Fair Value When Selling A Business: A Comprehensive Guide

Business Value Image

Understanding fair value is critical for business owners looking to sell, ensuring that their asking price accurately reflects the company’s true worth.

Fair value is different from market value and carrying value and offers a realistic comparison of your business to other businesses.

This concept plays a pivotal role in shaping financial reporting and informing negotiation strategies in business transactions.

Imagine you are the owner of “Bright Future Solar,” a company specializing in solar panel installations for residential homes. After years of building your business, you’ve decided it’s time to sell and retire. You believe your company is worth around $1 million, based on your revenue and profit margins. However, when potential buyers start showing interest, their offers range significantly – from $750,000 to $1.2 million.

Confused and unsure how to proceed, you realize the need for an objective measure to accurately reflect your company’s true worth. This is where understanding fair value comes into play. Fair value provides a market-based estimation of your business, considering not just the physical assets, like your inventory and installation equipment, but also intangible assets, such as your brand reputation and customer relationships.

By obtaining a fair value assessment, you ensure that the asking price for “Bright Future Solar” is grounded in reality, reflecting both its current market position and its potential for future earnings. This not only strengthens your negotiation stance but also attracts serious buyers willing to pay a fair price for the value your business truly offers.

However, accurately determining fair value can be challenging, involving subjective assessments and a thorough understanding of current market conditions.

Here’s what you need to know about fair value.

Fair value is different from market value and carrying value and offers a realistic comparison of your business to other businesses.

What is Fair Value?

Fair value is a cornerstone concept in accounting and finance, particularly under the frameworks of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

It’s a market-based measurement, not an entity-specific valuation.

In essence, fair value is the estimated price of an asset or liability in an open and competitive market, where both the buyer and seller have reasonable knowledge of relevant facts and neither is under any compulsion to transact.

In the context of selling a business, fair value becomes a critical metric.

It serves as a starting point for negotiations and provides a benchmark against which offers can be evaluated.

Fair value is not necessarily the selling price but is an objective estimate of the value of the business’s assets and liabilities, detached from the personal value the business may hold for you.

The relevance of fair value extends beyond mere price tags on assets. 

It permeates the financial statements of a business, influencing reported earnings, asset values, and the overall financial health of a company.

This in turn impacts how buyers perceive the business, affecting their willingness to invest or acquire.

Key References of Fair Value

Determining fair value is a multifaceted process, influenced by a variety of factors:

  • Financial Statements: Your business’s financial statements are a primary reference point. They offer a historical view of the company’s financial performance and condition, providing insights into asset values, liabilities, and equity.
  • Market Conditions: The prevailing market conditions play a significant role. Fair value is influenced by the broader economic environment, industry trends, and market demand for the type of business you are selling. For instance, a thriving market can elevate the fair value of a business, while a recession may depress it.
  • Industry Factors: Each industry has its unique dynamics that affect fair value. Factors such as competition, technological advancements, regulatory changes, and consumer preferences can all alter the perceived value of your business.

Understanding these elements is essential for you as a business owner. It equips you with the knowledge to engage in negotiations confidently, backed by a realistic and defendable valuation of your business.

Fair Value Measurement Methods

Understanding how to calculate fair value is crucial for accurate business valuation. There are three primary approaches to consider:

  • Market-Based Approach:
    1. Definition: Estimates fair value based on a comparison to similar businesses.
    2. Application: Analyzes transactions of similar businesses or financial metrics (like revenue or EBITDA multiples).
    3. Usefulness: Ideal for industries with frequent transactions, providing a realistic market value.
    4. Challenges: Finding truly similar businesses and adjusting for differences.
  • Income-Based Approach (Discounted Cash Flow method):
    1. Definition: Calculates fair value by discounting expected future cash flows to their present value. You can also think of this as the “Future Earnings Method.”
    2. Application: Requires forecasting business earnings and applying a discount rate to calculate today’s value.
    3. Usefulness: Suitable for businesses with predictable cash flows.
    4. Challenges: Assumptions about future growth rates, discount rates, and long-term prospects must be realistic to avoid skewed valuations.
  • Cost-Based Approach:
    1. Definition: Determines fair value based on the cost to replace the business’s assets. You can also think of this as the “Replacement Cost Method.”
    2. Application: Considers the purchase or recreation cost of each asset, adjusting for depreciation.
    3. Usefulness: Relevant for asset-heavy businesses.
    4. Challenges: Accurately estimating replacement costs and acknowledging assets becoming outdated.

Selecting the Right Method

  • The choice of fair value measurement method depends on your business’s nature, available market data, and the valuation’s purpose.
  • For niche businesses with few comparables, the market-based approach may offer limited insight.
  • Businesses like home services, which have common industry metrics, can benefit from known EBITDA multiples when using the market-based approach.

Benefits of Fair Value

Understanding and applying fair value has several benefits for you as a business seller:

  1. Realistic Valuation: Fair value provides a realistic and market-based valuation of your business, which is crucial in setting a competitive and justifiable asking price.
  2. Informed Negotiations: By knowing the fair value of your business, you can enter negotiations with confidence, backed by data and analysis.
  3. Transparency: Fair value measurement brings transparency to the transaction, making it easier to justify your asking price to potential buyers.
  4. Flexibility: Different fair value methods offer flexibility to adapt to the unique aspects of your business, whether it’s asset-heavy, service-oriented, or a fast-growing startup.
  5. Compliance and Credibility: Fair value is a widely recognized and accepted accounting principle. Using it enhances the credibility of your financial statements and ensures compliance with accounting standards.

Fair Value vs Market Value

While fair value and market value might seem similar, they have distinct differences.

Market value is the price at which an asset would trade in a competitive auction setting. It’s determined by the forces of supply and demand in the market and can fluctuate based on external factors such as economic conditions or industry trends.

Fair value, on the other hand, is a more comprehensive assessment.

It considers the asset’s highest and best use, which may or may not be the same as its current use.

Fair value takes into account the perspectives of both a willing buyer and seller, neither being under compulsion to transact.

Thus, while market value gives you an idea of what the market is currently paying, fair value offers a more in-depth, theoretically balanced price.

Fair Value vs Carrying Value

Carrying value, also known as book value, is the value of an asset as it appears on your business’s balance sheet.

It’s based on the original cost of the asset, less any depreciation, amortization, or impairment costs applied over time.

Carrying value doesn’t necessarily reflect current market conditions or the price you could sell the asset for today.

In contrast, fair value adjusts for these market dynamics, often resulting in a valuation that is more aligned with current market prices.

Understanding the difference between carrying value and fair value is essential, as it can significantly impact how your business is valued and perceived by potential buyers.

Fair Value in Business Acquisition

In the context of business acquisitions, fair value plays a pivotal role, particularly in the valuation of assets and liabilities.

It’s a key component in the purchase price allocation (PPA) process, where the purchase price of a business is allocated to the assets acquired and the liabilities assumed.

Valuation of Assets and Liabilities

When acquiring a business, it’s crucial to assess the fair value of its assets and liabilities. This assessment includes tangible assets like property and equipment, as well as intangible assets like intellectual property, customer relationships, and brand value. Fair value helps in accurately pricing these assets, offering a realistic picture of what they are worth in the current market.

Influence on Purchase Price Allocation

The purchase price allocation process is influenced significantly by fair value measurements. PPA involves distributing the total purchase price among the various assets and liabilities. This distribution is based on their fair value at the acquisition date. The result of this allocation affects the acquiring company’s balance sheet post-acquisition, as assets and liabilities will be recorded at their fair value.

Impact on Financial Statements

The application of fair value in business acquisitions has a direct impact on the acquiring company’s financial statements. Assets and liabilities reported at fair value may lead to different depreciation and amortization expenses. It can also result in the recognition of goodwill, representing the excess of the purchase price over the fair value of the net identifiable assets acquired. These adjustments can affect the acquiring company’s profitability and financial ratios, making fair value a critical factor in financial reporting post-acquisition.

Financial Reporting Standards and Fair Value

The process of financial reporting and the determination of asset and liability values are governed by key international accounting standards, specifically IFRS 3 – Business Combinations, and ASC 820 – Fair Value Measurement.

They provide structured guidelines and requirements for businesses, ensuring that financial disclosures during acquisitions are transparent, consistent, and reflective of the true market conditions.

IFRS 3 – Business Combinations

IFRS 3 requires that in a business combination, the acquirer must measure and recognize the acquiree’s identifiable assets, liabilities, and any non-controlling interest in the acquiree at their fair value at the acquisition date. This standard ensures that financial statements reflect the real economic impact of acquisitions. It requires a thorough valuation process where fair value is used as the cornerstone for assessing the worth of acquired assets and liabilities.

ASC 820 – Fair Value Measurement

ASC 820 (formerly FAS 157), under U.S. GAAP, provides a more detailed framework for measuring fair value. It emphasizes that fair value is a market-based measurement, not an entity-specific value. This standard outlines a fair value hierarchy that prioritizes the use of observable market data when available. ASC 820 requires extensive disclosure about fair value measurements, including the methods and assumptions used, the valuation process, and the impact of fair value measurements on profit and loss.

Challenges and Controversies

Fair value measurement is not without its challenges and controversies.

One of the primary challenges in determining fair value is the element of subjective judgment involved, especially when market data is not readily available.

The selection of valuation methods, assumptions about future cash flows, and choice of discount rates involve significant judgment, which can vary among experts.

Market volatility can also pose a challenge. 

Fair value, being a market-based measure, can fluctuate with market conditions. This can lead to significant swings in reported values from one reporting period to another, affecting the perceived stability and performance of a business.

There are ongoing debates within the business community about the impact of fair value accounting on financial reporting.

Critics argue that it can introduce volatility and complexity into financial statements, especially during periods of market instability.

Proponents, however, believe that fair value provides a more transparent and timely reflection of a company’s financial position.


Why Do Companies Use Fair Value? 

Companies use fair value for accurate financial reporting, reflecting true market conditions and informed decision-making in business transactions.

What is the Difference Between Fair Value and Acquisition Cost?

Fair value reflects current market conditions, while acquisition cost is the historical price paid for an asset, not accounting for market changes.

Who Decides What Fair Value Is?

Fair value is determined by valuation experts using market data, industry trends, and financial analysis, following established accounting standards and principles.

Is Fair Value Higher than Market Value? 

Fair value can be higher or lower than market value, depending on market conditions and specific asset characteristics at the valuation time.


Understanding fair value is crucial for anyone thinking about selling their small- or medium-sized business.

Fair value offers a realistic estimate of a business’s worth in a competitive market and differs significantly from market and carrying values. Its role in business acquisitions is critical, impacting financial reporting and the negotiation process. 

However, determining fair value involves challenges and requires subjective judgment, highlighting the importance of staying updated with evolving accounting standards and industry best practices.

For sellers, grasping the nuances of fair value is key to engaging in informed negotiations and strategically navigating the complexities of a business sale.

By |2024-07-03T09:30:28-04:00July 2nd, 2024|Categories: Articles|

The Legacy You Leave Behind

By Lori Moen, CEPA Business Coach | Catalyst Group ECR

The legacy you leave behind when you’re no longer part of leadership isn’t just about your accomplishments and accolades. It has to do with how you approach any and all issues that fall in front of you. In the modern business world, leadership legacy is all about moving towards sustainable success.

It’s important that companies begin thinking beyond their short-term goals and toward the long-term impact of those who are in leadership. There is a lot of value in investing in each moment and considering the consequences your decisions will have both in the present moment and in the future.

Let’s take a look at a few leadership legacy examples to inspire you as you plan your future.

Leadership Legacy Examples: Graham and Schultz

When looking back at successful business leaders, there are a lot of people who rose above expectations, allowing them to leave their mark on the organization.

Take, for instance, Katharine Graham, who took the helm of The Washington Post in 1972 and became the first woman named CEO of a Fortune 500 company.

After breaking through the glass ceiling, Graham went on to fight relentlessly for the Constitutional right to free press after she was slapped with a restraining order for her attempts to publish The Pentagon Papers. Her efforts led to a Supreme Court decision that “defended the First Amendment right of free press against prior restraint by the government,” and reaffirmed one of the nation’s most fundamental values.

Another leader who’s left a lasting legacy is Howard Schultz. As the former CEO of Starbucks, he’s left a legacy that’s had an impact greater than just the delicious coffee. His legacy has impacted all of those who make the coffee and those who work in their stores. Schultz made it a point to prioritize the well-being of his employees by offering comprehensive healthcare benefits and supporting various communities.

One of the ways he did this was through expanding educational access through the Starbucks College Achievement Plan. This program provided a tuition-free college education online and hired thousands of military veterans and spouses, as well as refugees and underprivileged youth, allowing people to create a better life for themselves and loved ones. He chose a legacy that gave opportunities to those around him, and as a result, he built a successful company that fostered the professional growth of its employees.

By |2024-06-18T09:34:16-04:00June 18th, 2024|Categories: Articles|

Supply Chain Manager – Southeast

This is an ideal opportunity for a hands-on professional to lead a supply chain team through the company’s exciting rapid growth and touching all areas of operational support in vendor management, raw materials replenishment, inventory management, forecasting, budgeting and continuous improvement.

Assignment: 4332
Title: Supply Chain Manager
Industry: Frameless Cabinetry
Reports To: SVP  Operations
Location: Southeast

Our Client:

Our client is a young and expanding company positioned to scale rapidly given their consistent 100% year-over-year growth.  Nimble, and able to make the right decisions quickly, this company is bureaucracy-free, and our client’s dedicated and entrepreneurial leadership team believes in rewarding those who help them achieve their goals.

Principal Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Supply chain organization, charged with identifying, implementing and enhancing successful methods of delivering superior service and the lowest cost
  • Identify key suppliers and partners with these suppliers to develop long term mutually beneficial relationships that ensure long term success for both parties
  • Build new vendors and improve the supply chain in a cost-effective manner
  • Act as an internal consultant on all supply chain related issues.  Design and implement improvements to Supply Chain to support business growth and improvement strategies
  • Work with manufacturing to rationalize outsourcing and in-sourcing activities
  • Develop inventory management strategies and programs to ensure maximum inventory turns, best price, high quality and consistent support to manufacturing

Position Requirements:

  • 5+ years of increasing supply chain experience in the kitchen cabinet industry
  • Has played a role in helping the organization in high level planning of its annual costs and budgets, both short and longer term
  • Experience working with suppliers driving innovation, from new product introductions to continuous improvement
  • Ability to implement and use analytics to drive improved supplier performance
  • Has developed and implemented strategy ensuring continuity of supply and mitigating supply chain disruptions
  • Extensive knowledge of supply chain best practices in demand planning, supply planning, production scheduling, inventory management, network organization, and ERP systems
  • Business Analytics – Knowledge of technologies, techniques and practices for the evaluation of business performance data; ability to analyze business performance using advanced statistical methods to justify and drive future business planning decisions
  • Accuracy and Attention to Detail – Understanding of the necessity and value of accuracy and attention to detail; ability to process information with high levels of accuracy
  • Business Markets – Knowledge of existing and planned markets and market-related initiatives from the perspectives of the competition, the suppliers, the customer base and the regulatory environment; ability to apply this knowledge appropriately to diverse situations
  • Procurement – Knowledge of company practices for the procurement of materials, equipment and services needed in the manufacturing process; ability to apply related knowledge, experience and skills into real work
  • Must be very adept in MS Excel
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering preferred.  SCM Certification an added advantage


By |2024-06-12T11:11:32-04:00June 12th, 2024|Categories: Current Searches|

Why Is Confidentiality So Important In A Successful Business Sale?

By The Acquira Team

Loose lips sink ships. The same can be true when selling your business.
If word gets out to your employees, customers, or vendors prematurely that you’re selling – it could have a dramatic impact, possibly jeopardizing how much you can get for all your hard work.

Breaches in confidentiality can lead to several adverse outcomes, such as destabilizing employee morale, alerting competitors, unsettling customers, and potentially devaluing the business before the sale is finalized.

Your employees may fear for their job security and start looking for new positions, which can lead to a loss of key staff. Similarly, customers and suppliers may perceive the sale as an indicator of instability, prompting them to seek alternatives.

Here’s a look at the importance of confidentiality during the sale of your business.

Breaches in confidentiality can lead to several adverse outcomes, such as destabilizing employee morale, alerting competitors, unsettling customers, and potentially devaluing the business before the sale is finalized.Protecting Business Interests.

Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).

Sensitive information, including financial statements, customer lists, proprietary processes, and strategic plans, must be protected during the sale process.

The inadvertent disclosure of such data can compromise the competitive edge of your business and, by extension, its market value. 

Strategies for safeguarding this information include secure document management systems that track and control access to sensitive documents and ensuring that all digital communications are encrypted.

Potential buyers should be required to sign an NDA before receiving any sensitive information.

This legal document ensures that the information shared during the due diligence process cannot be used for any purpose other than evaluating the purchase of the business.

Preserving Employee Morale

The uncertainty generated by the sale of a business can significantly impact employee morale and productivity.

Rumors of a sale can create anxiety among the workforce, leading to decreased productivity and potentially prompting key employees to leave. 

To manage this, communication should be carefully planned.

While it’s important to maintain confidentiality, finding the right time to inform employees about the sale is crucial.

This decision requires a delicate balance between preserving the integrity of the sale process and respecting the rights of employees. It’s ultimately up to your discretion but as a general rule, making sure the news comes from you – and not the buyer – is preferred.

Your management team plays a crucial role in mitigating the impact of sale-related uncertainty on employee morale.

By maintaining normal operations and showing confidence in the future, leaders can reassure employees.

In cases where confidentiality is maintained until the sale is finalized, preparing a comprehensive plan to manage the announcement to employees is vital.

This includes addressing their concerns, outlining any changes they can expect, and highlighting the opportunities the sale presents for the business and its workforce.

Sustaining Customer Relationships

Breaches in confidentiality during the sale of a business can severely impact customer trust, a cornerstone of any business’s success.

Customers who learn of a sale through unofficial channels might fear disruptions in service or changes in product quality, leading to lost confidence and business. 

To mitigate these risks, maintaining open yet carefully managed communication with customers is crucial.

Strategies include segmenting customer communications to ensure messages are tailored and relevant, and proactively addressing any concerns they may have about the sale’s impact on their service.

Ensuring business continuity is key; customers need reassurance that the quality and reliability of what they’ve come to expect will remain unchanged.

Best Practices for Confidentiality During the Sale Process.

Establishing clear protocols for handling confidential information is essential to maintaining confidentiality.

This includes training employees on the importance of discretion and the potential consequences of leaks.

Within the organization, fostering a culture of open communication and transparency helps manage rumors and misinformation.

By being transparent about the processes in place to protect the businesses and stakeholders’ interests without divulging sensitive details, employees can feel more secure and less inclined to speculate or spread rumors.

Data rooms

Data rooms serve as secure platforms where documents can be viewed but not easily removed or copied, reducing the risk of leaks.

These digital rooms allow for selective disclosure, where information is only available to parties directly involved in the transaction and whose intent and legitimacy have been vetted.

The use of data rooms facilitates the organization and tracking of document access, ensuring that sensitive information is not broadly disseminated and is only seen by those with a legitimate need to know.

Selective disclosure emphasizes the importance of sharing information on a need-to-know basis.

This approach minimizes the risk of confidentiality breaches by limiting the number of people aware of the sale and the details of the transaction.

By carefully managing who receives what information and when, sellers can protect the integrity of the sale process and the business’s value.

Pre-Sale Confidentiality Planning

Before initiating the sale process of a small business, you should establish a robust confidentiality plan.

This serves as a foundational step in protecting the business’s sensitive information, including financial records, client lists, proprietary technologies, and strategic plans.

Identifying what constitutes confidential information early on prevents inadvertent disclosures that could jeopardize the sale or the business’s competitive edge.

Equally important is determining who needs to know about the impending sale. 

Limiting this knowledge to a select group of individuals minimizes the risk of leaks and ensures that the information is only shared with those who have a direct role in facilitating the sale.

This selective sharing is crucial for maintaining an environment of trust and security, laying the groundwork for a smooth and discreet sale process.

Role of Intermediaries in Maintaining Confidentiality

Intermediaries, such as brokers, advisors, and legal representatives, play a pivotal role in maintaining confidentiality during the sale of a business.

These professionals act as buffers between the seller and potential buyers, ensuring that sensitive information is only shared under strict confidentiality agreements and after vetting the seriousness and capability of the interested parties.

The choice of intermediaries is significant; opt for those with a strong track record of discretion and expertise in handling confidential transactions.

Experienced intermediaries understand the stakes involved and are skilled in crafting communication and information-sharing strategies that protect your interests. 

By managing the flow of information and negotiating on the seller’s behalf, these professionals help preserve the integrity of the sale process, ensuring that confidentiality is maintained from the initial stages through to the conclusion of the sale.

Confidential Business Sale: Monitoring and Enforcement

Monitoring compliance with confidentiality agreements is essential to safeguard the sensitive information involved in the sale of a business.

Employing systematic methods to track adherence and regularly auditing the handling of confidential data ensures that all parties involved are complying with agreed-upon measures.

This might involve periodic checks on how data is accessed and shared within data rooms, reviewing access logs, and confirming that information is not being disclosed improperly.

Conducting regular audits of confidentiality measures involves assessing the security of document storage, both physical and digital, verifying that only authorized individuals have access to sensitive information, and ensuring that all electronic communications are secure.

These audits help identify any potential vulnerabilities or breaches in confidentiality protocols early, allowing for timely corrective actions.

The consequences for breaches of confidentiality should be clearly outlined in the confidentiality agreement and can include legal action, financial penalties, and termination of the sale process.

Enforcement mechanisms are crucial as they underscore the seriousness of the agreement and the commitment to protecting the business’s confidential information.

These measures serve as a deterrent against unauthorized disclosure and provide a clear recourse for the selling party should a breach occur.


Remaining confidential during the business sales process is critical to safeguarding its value and stability.

Breaches in confidentiality can destabilize employee morale, alert competitors, unsettle customers, and potentially devalue the business. 

Protecting sensitive information through robust confidentiality agreements, secure document management, and controlled information disclosure is essential.

By |2024-05-28T11:04:38-04:00May 28th, 2024|Categories: Articles|

Regional Sales Manager – Northeast

This career-defining role offers the unique opportunity to be a key decision-maker in growing the Northeastern US market.  The Regional Sales Manger will play a pivotal role in the company’s growth, development and implementing strategies to increase market penetration and sales, working closely with independent manufacturer’s reps, end-users, architects, and engineers.  The successful candidate will be a dynamic leader and technical resource, driving specifications and managing key accounts to achieve growth targets.

Assignment: 4331
Title: Regional Sales  Manager – Northeast
Industry: Industrial and Commercial Plumbing Products
Reports To: Vice President of Sales
Location: Major metro area in the Northeast (Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Baltimore/DC preferred)

Our Client:

Our client is a well-established, highly regarded industry leader in emergency safety, equipment.  With over 45 years in business, they continue to innovate and grow providing high-quality products and excellent customer service.  They have a strong market presence with major commercial plumbing distributors and are committed to further expanding their brand and rewarding their people.

Principal Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Increase market penetration and sales within the assigned region
  • Develop and strengthen specifications around company products
  • Identify, track, influence, bid, and win commercial/industrial projects
  • Become the go-to technical resource for end-users and specifiers
  • Educate specifiers on eyewash and shower technology to facilitate entry into new markets
  • Work with major end-users, architects, and engineers to drive product specifications
  • Manage a network of independent manufacturer’s reps
  • Establish relationships with key contractors and distributors to implement buying agreements and incentive programs
  • Track major projects and end-user requirements to secure orders on a project-specific or customer-specific basis
  • Quote major jobs and maintain market pricing according to guidelines
  • Communicate customer needs effectively throughout the organization
  • Maintain a simple reporting structure with brief, monthly call reports
  • Ensure high acceptance rates with specifiers through education and relationship building
  • Exhibit excellent communication skills both internally and with customers and vendors

Position Requirements:

  • Industrial sales experience with a track record of growth
  • Experience selling technical products and influencing specifications
  • Proficiency with Salesforce or similar CRM software
  • Ability to read mechanical drawings, submittals, bid plans, and specifications
  • Pull-through sales experience working with specifiers and end-users
  • Excellent communication skills – oral, written, and presentation
  • Strong project management skills and successful management of independent reps
  • Problem-solving abilities and solution implementation
  • Self-motivated, initiative taker
  • Self-confidence and a high degree of organization
  • Sense of urgency and ability to thrive in a fast-paced environment
  • Four-year college degree


Ben Durshimer
Research Recruiter

By |2024-07-01T10:25:22-04:00May 23rd, 2024|Categories: Current Searches|

More Positives than Negatives in Housing Market

Industry Trends – IWF, By Warren Shoulberg

It may not be back to the good times during low interest rates but Telsey Advisory Group’s Housing Scorecard shows more positives than negatives.

If you’re looking for good news about the housing market – especially when there doesn’t seem to be too much as the most recent data suggests the sector remains weak and mortgage rates are even going back up a bit – a new analysis from prestigious Wall Street firm Telsey Advisory Group is going to bring a smile to your face…and to your business bottom line too.

In its regular “TAG Housing Scorecard” which ranks a number of factors influencing the industry, Telsey sees five positives, three even scores, and just two negatives. “Our latest Housing Scorecard reflects a housing market that has bottomed out and is improving,” it wrote in its latest report. “The latest data have resulted in our total index rising to 65 from 35 in October 2023, August 2023, February 2023, and December 2022, 50 in July 2022, and 55 in February 2022.”

That’s still down from its index of 80 in April 2021, but “better than 2022 and 2023.” Still, it said the market is “not back to strength.”

Positives on its scorecards were: private fixed residential investments, the value of construction put into place, the S&P/Schiller Home Price Index, new construction starts and permits and housing formations. On the negative side were 30-year fixed mortgage rates and existing house sales. It judged remodeling rates, employment and consumer confidence as “mixed.”

It continued to see those retailers and other businesses that service the housing market as long-term solid prospects even if right now they remain challenged.

By |2024-05-14T07:49:30-04:00May 14th, 2024|Categories: Articles|
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